Worship With Us!
Please join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am for in-person or online worship.

Meet Clancy UMC

Contact and Directions

Worship With Us
We are a multi-generational Methodist Church in a rural Montana setting with rural Montana ethic, character, caring, and love. We welcome visitors from all walks of life and want you to know that whoever you are and wherever you are on your walk of faith, you are welcome in this place.
Our worship service (blended traditional, and live-streamed on the Clancy UMC Facebook page) begins at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays, with Sunday School beginning around 10:15 a.m. Nursery care is available. We enjoy each others’ company at a coffee hour following the service. This is a small, warm, and welcoming church with a big heart! Come and join us for worship!!!
You are warmly invited to come and worship with us and experience God’s grace through our time together. We recognize that people look for God in many ways. Whether you visit in person or online, we hope you discover something here to encourage you in your spiritual journey.
Our Values
Vacation Bible School
Come join us at the Hero Hotline Headquarters on June 3, 4, and 5 from 9 am-Noon, where everyone’s gifts are valued and every hero has a role to play. Each day at the Hero Hotline Headquarters, superheroes of all ages and abilities answer the call and join the Professor and veteran hero, Super Meer the Meerkat, to provide expert assistance and solutions to Hero Teams everywhere.
When Heroes in the field call in, the Professor, Super Meer, and our team of heroes will spring into action and explore the ultimate Hero Handbook -the Bible- to discover how all Heroes can follow the examples set by a cast of supporting Bible Heroes in stories from the Old and New Testaments, who work together to bring peace, build each other up, and share the great story of God’s love for us where they are and with the whole world.
As kids (called Heroes) experience these stories through music, drama and storytelling, games, arts and crafts, science, and even snacks, they’ll learn that Heroes are called to Follow Jesus, Help Others, Work Together, Listen to God, and Show Grace! And, best of all, they’ll be invited to answer this call at VBS, at church, at home, and every area of their lives

Clancy Days Rummage and Bake Sale
Clancy Days will be held June 8. The Clancy Women’s Group will be selling baked goods and refreshments along with putting on their annual rummage sale, so hang on to all those “treasures” as you do your spring cleaning – but no clothing, please – and bring them to the Clancy church where they can be turned into scholarships for summer camp for kids in the community, and into other missions and ministries. Thank you!